Blog (2)

Después de reveses y demandas, Miami abrirá un museo de ciencias

No será mayor problema encontrar un amante de los videojuegos en tu vecino. Desde la introducción del Juego Virtual.

It has been achieving great heights so far as its popularity and technological advancement are concerned. The history of video game is as interesting as a fairy tale. The quality of today’s video game was not at all there when video game first conceptualized and played ever.

Si busca casetes vírgenes en la web, es posible que se sienta muy confundido por la diferencia de precio. Es posible que vea algunos por tan solo $0,17 cada uno. Quizás te estés diciendo a ti mismo: "¡Vaya, qué trato!". Pero ojo, comprueba la calidad antes de realizar tu compra. Asegúrese de que la cinta se ajuste a sus necesidades. Si está utilizando cintas de casete para grabar algo rápido y la vida útil del casete será corta, entonces tal vez las baratas sean para usted. Sin embargo, si necesita una grabación de calidad o desea conservar ese casete durante algún tiempo, deberá estar preparado para pagar un poco más. La calidad que reciba valdrá la pena el costo adicional. Las aplicaciones de palabra hablada son un uso que requiere un casete de mayor calidad. Optar por casetes vírgenes baratos sin duda dará como resultado originales y duplicados de mala calidad. Si está involucrado en la grabación de discursos, sermones, conferencias, audiolibros o cintas de enseñanza, los siguientes puntos le resultarán de gran interés. Entonces, ¿cuáles son algunas de las diferencias y qué debería buscar? La siguiente es una lista de sugerencias sobre el tipo de cintas a utilizar:

1. The cassette shell should be held together with a five-screw design. This type of design will help to keep the shell from warping. If the shell warps, the tape will not be able to move smoothly for good recording or playback. It may not be able to move at all. The five-screw design also allows the cassette to be taken apart if necessary. So, if the shell got damaged, the tape could be moved to a different shell, for continued use. 2. Using Type I tape is sufficient for spoken word applications. You still need to make sure that the tape is of good quality. Poor quality tape will result in a poor quality recording. It can even cause undue wear on copiers, and more frequent cleaning of the copier heads.

3. Make sure that the felt pad that presses the tape against the head is sufficient. The larger the pad the better the tape to head contact allowing for better quality recording. Even a slight separation between the tape and the head will result in a poor recording.

4. Pins and rollers are also important. The rollers are what guide the tape around the corners of the cassette. The pins hold the rollers in place. Some manufacturers will use plastic pins. This has the potential of the roller and the pin becoming welded under heated conditions. Also, if the rollers are of cheap quality, the tape may not move smoothly while recording or copying. The tape can even become damaged due to friction.

5. Slip sheets are the sleeves between the tape and the case. These are also important since they help the tape to travel smoother. Smooth travel of the tape is critical to a good recording.


All images are for demonstration purpose only. You will get the demo images with the QuickStart pack.

Also, all the demo images are collected from Unsplash. If you want to use those, you may need to provide necessary credits. Please visit Unsplash for details.